Flavored Decaf Coffee

Crave the delicious taste of flavored coffee without the caffeine? Our decaf flavored coffees, naturally decaffeinated with the Swiss Water Process, offer the perfect cuppa.

Verena Street Coffee Co. Coffee 10oz ground Mississippi Grogg® Swiss Water® Process Decaf ground coffee

Mississippi Grogg® Swiss Water® Process Decaf ground coffee

Medium Roast

Flavored: Butterscotch, caramel, hazelnut

$ 12.00

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About our Flavored Decaf Coffee

This collection promises the best flavored decaf coffee experience, with options in both ground and bean form, ensuring you don't miss out on taste or quality while enjoying a decaf option. Each blend offers the rich, aromatic experience of expertly roasted beans combined with enticing flavors, all naturally decaffeinated using the Swiss Water Process. 

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